Posts tagged "landing"

What attracts us to thuja western Yellow Ribbon?
What attracts us to thuja western Yellow Ribbon?
Thuja Yellow Ribbon is a beautiful tree with golden needles. It is designed for both single and group landings. With it, you can create a sunny shade against the background ...
A special place in the landscape design of thuja Hoseri
A special place in the landscape design of thuja Hoseri
Small western thuja with a spherical crown are unpretentious, easy to care for and appropriate in the design of large and very modest areas. Therefore, their varieties, including thuja Hozeri, are so ...
Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot
Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot
Ornamental coniferous crops are very popular due to the needles that persist throughout the year, unpretentiousness and variety of forms. Dwarf thuja Tini Tim is an evergreen shrub that will find a place on any, even ...
The nuances of planting and caring for Woodwardi thuja in the garden
The nuances of planting and caring for Woodwardi thuja in the garden
Thuja with a rounded crown traditionally become the center of attraction for eyes, wherever they are. Thuja Woodwardi is one of the old, well-proven varieties with a dense crown, livable ...
Planting a thuja seedling in open ground
Planting a thuja seedling in open ground
Tui are beautiful conifers. They are planted on the site in order to enjoy the pine scent. Thuja grows up to 9 meters in height, therefore it well protects the site from ...
Planting and caring for sparaxis outdoors
Planting and caring for sparaxis outdoors
A unique flower with bright colors and elongated leaves of the iris family is called sparaxis. He fills the site with a riot of colors and brings a special touch to the landscape design. Planting and leaving ...
Planting legumes in summer cottages
Planting legumes in summer cottages
Legumes have long spread throughout Europe and Asia. Bean dishes have a special place in Mexican and English cuisine. Stewed in tomato sauce ...
Amazing varieties of folded thuja will take their rightful place at their summer cottage
Amazing varieties of folded thuja will take their rightful place at their summer cottage
Thuja folded is one of the most common evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family, a kind of gymnosperms of the genus Tuya. The birthplace of this tree is East Asia, as well as ...
We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
Thuja Globoza (Thuja occidentalis Globosa) is an evergreen dwarf shrub from the cypress family. Thuja reaches a height of 1 m and a diameter of 1 m.It grows very slowly, adding to ...
Features of planting gladioli in open ground
Features of planting gladioli in open ground
Gladioli are perennial bulbous flowers. They are grown for sale and to decorate the summer cottage. In the twentieth century, many new varieties of gladiolus were bred. On ...
Snow-white garden chamomile can decorate any area
Snow-white garden chamomile can decorate any area
Chamomile blooming in the meadow and in the garden leaves no one indifferent. Garden chamomile is a favorite flower of Russian summer residents. Several dozen species of herbaceous perennials can be found in nature ...
We follow the rules of planting and caring for tulips in the open field
We follow the rules of planting and caring for tulips in the open field
The blooming of tulips heralds the triumph of spring. If the site is decorated with tulips year after year, planting and caring in the open field is the key to this success. Perennial bulbous plants come from ...
Care, features of growing thuja varieties Columna
Care, features of growing thuja varieties Columna
Thuja Columna is one of the most popular evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family. Most often, "western" is attributed to its name, since its name in the scientific ...
Popular perennial - Cossack juniper Tamaristsifolia
Popular perennial - Cossack juniper Tamaristsifolia
The natural zone of distribution of the Cossack juniper, one of the most popular species of ephedra in landscape design, covers the south of Europe, west and center of Asia, east of Siberia. Juniper Cossack Tamariscifolia - popular ...
The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape
The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape
Thuja globular is a frequent visitor to the gardens. The size of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. The color of the crown also differs in different varieties. Grow it ...
Meet the wonderful Western Teddy Thuja
Meet the wonderful Western Teddy Thuja
Thuja western Teddy is a small coniferous plant that looks like a ball. This variety is new, however, very popular among landscape designers and gardeners for its unique shape. The plant fits perfectly ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for annual and perennial alissum
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for annual and perennial alissum
Alyssum does not, like lilies or garden roses, have lush flowers, but the plant does not cease to acquire more and more new fans. Modest alissum, planting and care in the open field ...
Uncomplicated planting and simple care for hazel grouses in the open field
Uncomplicated planting and simple care for hazel grouses in the open field
Planting hazel grouses and care in the open field does not require special skills, so every gardener can independently cope with this task. It is enough just to know the features of these plants, and ...
Features of choosing a plum sapling and planting rules on the site
Features of choosing a plum sapling and planting rules on the site
Plum, like all fruit trees, does not take root in swampy areas. Also, two-year-old seedlings do not take root well in clay soil. The root system of the plum does not grow well in peat soil. ...
Planting exotic ixia in open ground and rules for caring for a southerner
Planting exotic ixia in open ground and rules for caring for a southerner
Ixia is an exotic South African plant that amazes with its beauty and vibrant color palette. In order to dilute it on the site, you should know all the intricacies of planting and caring for ...
Planting crocuses of different flowering dates in open ground
Planting crocuses of different flowering dates in open ground
Crocuses: planting and caring for them in the open field requires specific knowledge so that this fragile and delicate flower takes root in the soil and pleases the eyes of the owners with its variegated ...
Planting anemone tubers in open ground and caring for plants
Planting anemonic tubers in open ground and caring for plants
Delicate anemone with intricately cut leaves and quivering corollas are equally good in the forest and among the most luxurious garden plants. Anemones, planting and outdoor care for ...
Planting and outdoor care for early flowering perennial primrose
Planting and outdoor care for early flowering perennial primrose
One of the first spring plants to bloom in the garden is a gentle primrose, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require too much effort and knowledge. FROM ...
Proper planting and outdoor care for phlox
Proper planting and outdoor care for phlox
The first cultivated varieties of phlox graced European greenhouses and parks in the 18th century. Today phlox, planting and care in the open field, which novice summer residents can do, alone ...
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Every owner of a garden plot dreams of making it attractive and unique. Hosts can help with this, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require serious skills ...
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
For a plant such as marigolds, planting and care in the open field is not difficult. These flowers can be planted both to decorate a flower bed, and as a medicinal ...
We carry out planting and care in the open field for a stranger babiana
We carry out planting and care in the open field for a stranger babiana
Some corms, such as gladioli, are incredibly popular, while others are still unknown to a wide range of flower growers. Such decorative rarities include babiana, planting and care in the open field for ...
We choose a rhododendron for our garden, we plant it and learn how to care for the plant
We choose a rhododendron for our garden, we plant it and learn how to care for the plant
Shrubs and trees that form the numerous genus of rhododendrons attract gardeners with flowers of different sizes, colors and shapes. But if the summer resident liked the rhododendron, planting and care in the open field will force ...
We grow capricious ranunculus - planting and care in the open field
We grow capricious ranunculus - planting and care in the open field
Various types of buttercups are found in Europe, Asia and Africa. The subject of interest for gardeners is the cultivation of Asian plants, better known as ranunculus, planting and care in the open field for ...
Different planting methods and rules for caring for mirabilis in the open field
Different planting methods and rules for caring for mirabilis in the open field
Mirabilis is a truly unique plant, originally from America, proudly bearing the title of "night beauty". Flowers have a variety of colors, based on the individual species. Night beauty can attract attention and ...
Easy planting of Heuchera in open ground
Easy planting of Heuchera in open ground
It is hard to believe, but there are decorative deciduous plants that can outshine the most spectacular flowers with the brightness of greenery. Will accept that - geychera, planting and care in the open field for which is not difficult ...
Terms and rules for planting tomato seedlings in open ground
Terms and rules for planting tomato seedlings in open ground
Tomatoes are heat-loving plants, so it's important to know how to plant them. Many do not know when to plant tomatoes in open ground and make mistakes that can affect the harvest. ...
It is very important to know when to plant beans in open ground in different climatic zones.
It is very important to know when to plant beans in open ground in different climatic zones.
Beans are an irreplaceable vegetable crop in the diet of any person, both as a dietary product and for the complete replenishment of protein and energy for people involved in sports or hard work. To ...
To decorate the flower bed, we plant and care in the open field of nasturtium
To decorate the flower bed, we plant and care in the open field of nasturtium
Climbing or bush nasturtiums are one of the most memorable flowering annuals, pleasing to the eye from the first half of summer until frost. If nasturtium has taken root on the site, planting and leaving ...
Growing crocosmia outdoors is easy and simple
Growing crocosmia outdoors is easy and simple
Crocosmia or montbrecia is a perennial native to Africa, belonging to the Iris family. Despite the fact that crocosmia is a capricious plant, planting and care in the open field is possible ...
To create a rock garden, we grow young in the open field
To create a rock garden, we grow young in the open field
Rejuvenated, capable of rooting among stones, content with drops of water and multiplying in the most difficult conditions, is rightfully recognized as the most unpretentious plant. If for decorating a rock garden, borders or other ...
Growing lettuce outdoors
Growing lettuce outdoors
Tell me when to plant lettuce outdoors? I found several bags of seeds. Can they be sown next to tomatoes now? Lettuce is the culture you can ...
Planting onions before winter - everything a gardener needs to know
Planting onions before winter - everything a gardener needs to know
When is the onion planting carried out before winter? Previously, I always planted it in the spring, and in very large quantities. I want to try to plant half of the material in the fall to free up time. Ride on ...
Be sure to plant and take care of sorrel in the open field
Be sure to plant and take care of sorrel in the open field
Sorrel is an unpretentious summer cottage plant, which contains many vitamins and minerals that a person needs. So that you can see what a bountiful harvest sorrel can give, planting and caring ...
Basic rules for planting and caring for daisies in the open field
Basic rules for planting and caring for daisies in the open field
Among all varieties of flowers for arranging flower beds and flower beds, modern gardeners often choose daisies. Miniature, delicate and incredibly beautiful daisies, planting and caring in the open field ...
Important information about planting and caring for outdoor action
Important about planting and caring for outdoor action
Deytsia is a perennial woody evergreen plant. His homeland is East Asia. Many types of shrubs can be found there.An exotic plant appeared in Russian gardens not so long ago. IN ...
We grow monarda in our garden without problems
We grow monarda in our garden without problems
Lipocytes are represented quite widely, among them the monard stands out, planting and caring in the open field for which will not cause much trouble. The plant is very picky, looks great like ...
Rules for planting and caring for calla lilies in the open field
Rules for planting and caring for calla lilies in the open field
In our latitudes, two varieties of calla lilies perfectly coexist: tuberous and rhizome. If you follow the simple rules for growing calla lilies, planting and caring for it in the open field will lead to ...
Have you planted a hydrangea in the open ground in the spring?
Have you planted a hydrangea in the open ground in the spring?
Hortense cannot be called unpretentious. Planting hydrangeas in the open ground in spring and the subsequent care of ornamental shrubs will require attention and diligence from the gardener. But when the summer resident manages to tame ...
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Planting zinnia seeds and caring for seedlings in the open field
Majors, they are also zinnias, decorate the flowerbed with bright beautiful flowers throughout the summer season. Zinnia, planting and caring for which in the open field is not difficult, are grown ...
Features of planting garlic in open ground in spring
Features of planting garlic in open ground in spring
Garlic can be found in almost every household plot. Every year, planting garlic outdoors in spring is a whole event for any summer resident. The root vegetable is often used for cooking ...
You can harvest good peas if you know when to plant them outdoors.
You can harvest good peas if you know when to plant them outdoors.
Peas are an unpretentious plant from the legume genus, which after ripening gives tasty sweet fruits. To grow it on your site, you do not need to be a professional gardener - just know ...
How to create a tropical-style flower garden with cannes planting
How to create a tropical-style flower garden with cannes planting
It is always pleasant to look at the well-groomed garden plot, where beautiful flowers and shrubs are collected in the compositions of the flower beds. Each plant requires a certain amount of attention, for example, cannes - planting and care ...
Elegant castor oil plant - the rules of planting and care in the flower beds
Elegant castor oil plant - the rules of planting and care in the flower beds
Few plants that naturally live in the tropics can adapt to the conditions of the middle lane. Such unpretentious ornamental crops include castor oil plant, planting and care in the open field for ...
When is the spring planting of radishes in open ground
When is the spring planting of radishes in open ground
The growing season of radish has a short duration, so it is a favorite of many summer residents. And when to plant radishes in open ground in spring remains a controversial issue, because every region has ...
Correct and timely planting of cucumbers in open ground is a guarantee of a harvest
Correct and timely planting of cucumbers in open ground is a guarantee of a harvest
To get a good harvest, planting cucumbers in open ground is carried out in a sunny area, protected from northern winds. Around the perimeter of the selected allotment, fast-growing tall crops (legumes, ...
What do you know about planting and caring for tigridia outdoors?
What do you know about planting and caring for tigridia outdoors?
Tigridia is a plant of the Iris family, brought to our latitudes from South and Central America. Despite what a thermophilic flower the tigridia is, planting and caring in the open ...
All about planting and caring for lyatrix outdoors
All about planting and caring for lyatrix outdoors
Liatris with fluffy candle inflorescences and a wonderful aroma is a popular decorative perennial for summer cottages. If among the favorite plants of the grower there is liatris, planting and care in the open field - ...
Features of planting and caring for budlei in the open field
Features of planting and caring for budlei in the open field
A budlea shrub, planting and caring for which in the open field is not particularly difficult, can become the highlight of a dull autumn landscape in a country courtyard. This plant blooms late ...
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
We create a spring blooming flower bed by planting hyacinths in open ground
Hyacinths, which are planned to be planted and nurtured outdoors, can become the most spectacular garden decoration.A variety of bright colors of inflorescences allows you to create picturesque compositions. Hyacinths appear immediately after ...
We hide unsightly places of the landscape under the curtains of periwinkle
We hide unsightly places of the landscape under the curtains of periwinkle
Periwinkle (lat. Vinca) is a cute and original culture, often found in Russian gardens and not only. Periwinkle, planting and care in the open field, which differ ...
Lush blooming of dahlias in the open field depends on planting tubers and plant care
Lush blooming of dahlias in the open field depends on planting tubers and plant care
Guatemala and Mexico are considered to be the homeland of these beautiful flowers. In the Old World, dahlias appeared in the 18th century, where they began to successfully plant and care in the open ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for forsythia
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for forsythia
Blooming forsythia, strewn with hundreds of bright yellow flowers, is impossible to miss! If the summer resident wants to be decorated with forsythia every spring, planting and care in the open field are key ...
Planting weigela and caring for it in the open field
Planting weigela and caring for it in the open field
Weigela is one of the plants of the honeysuckle family, distinguished by pink, white, yellow or cream inflorescences. Correct planting and caring for a weigela outdoors begins with the selection of a place ...
Growing leeks in summer cottages, planting and care
Growing leeks in summer cottages, planting and care
When to plant leeks outdoors depends on the specific region and the expected harvest time. To get a good harvest, it is enough to follow a few simple tips and this vegetable ...
The timing of planting zucchini in the beds
The timing of planting zucchini in the beds
Zucchini are plants from the pumpkin family. In the twentieth century, during the period of the greatest development of selection, more than 100 new varieties of this crop were bred. These varieties are cold-resistant and ...
Spring and autumn planting of irises in open ground
Spring and autumn planting of irises in open ground
It is irises that look incredibly beautiful in a garden or in a flower bed from perennial flowers, planting and caring for them in the open field does not require too much effort. Plant flowers ...
We plant peonies on flower beds with perennials
We plant peonies on flower beds with perennials
The history of growing peonies has more than two millennia, during which a great many varieties and varieties have been created. But no matter how much the peonies are transformed, planting and leaving in ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for delicate lavender
In the numerous family of Yasnotkovy there are a lot of plants that have amazing decorativeness, and an extraordinary aroma, and other useful properties. If the summer resident wants his site to be decorated with lavender, planting ...
Choosing the place and time of planting clematis in the summer cottage
Choosing the place and time of planting clematis in the summer cottage
Clematis (photo) is the brightest, unforgettable liana on Russian sites. If the summer resident only has to "tame" clematis, planting and caring for them in the open field is the key to ...
The most important thing about planting and outdoor care for delicate freesia
The most important thing about planting and outdoor care for delicate freesia
Thanks to the fragrant flowers of various colors, freesia has become one of the most valuable corms for cutting. It is not surprising that freesia, planting and care in the open field, is akin to ...
Planting and caring for lilies in the open field: recommendations and advice
Planting and caring for lilies in the open field: recommendations and advice
Lilies are flowers loved by gardeners for their colorful and long-lasting bloom. Planting and caring for a lily in the open field is not particularly difficult. Flowers are successfully grown ...
When to plant tulips in the garden and for distillation by March 8
When to plant tulips in the garden and for distillation by March 8
Tulips are versatile flowers that look elegant and spectacular in both group and single plantings. Today there are many varieties of flowers, but for large, colorful ...
Determining the timing of planting onion sets in open ground
Determining the timing of planting onion sets in open ground
Small bulbs grown from seeds are the most common planting material for turnip production. When to plant onion sets in open ground, and how to do it? The onion harvest depends ...
Decorate the site with Meyeri juniper
Decorate the site with Meyeri juniper
Scaly juniper cultivars have long been widely used for landscaping. Meyeri's juniper is no exception. Landscape designers and bonsai lovers are attracted by the original crown shape, especially during the period ...
Find a place on your site for western thuja Danica
Find a place on your site for western thuja Danica
Small compact varieties of thuja are extremely in demand in landscape design. Thuja western Danica - a plant with a dense rounded crown up to 80 cm high and about a meter in diameter refers to ...
We choose the scaly juniper Blue Carpet for the design of our site
We choose the scaly juniper Blue Carpet for the design of our site
Juniper Blue Carpet is an evergreen coniferous shrub. It is characterized by a flat, highly branched crown. The variety got its name for its silvery-blue needles. Under favorable growing conditions, it can tie berries ...
Planting ginger at home
Planting ginger at home
Fans of spices are familiar with ginger, because this plant is widely used during the preparation of various dishes to give them a special taste and aroma. A spicy plant can be easily ...
We decorate our site with a rocky juniper of the Blue Arrow variety
We decorate our site with a rocky juniper of the Blue Arrow variety
Rocky juniper Blue Arrow is recognized as one of the most ornamental species of conifers and shrubs. Thanks to the original shape of the crown, its bright blue color and good adaptability even to ...
Let's grow Blue Star scaly juniper on the site
Let's grow Blue Star scaly juniper on the site
Compositions of coniferous plants look very beautiful and elegant, and they also purify the air and fill it with fragrance. Among these horticultural crops, it has a special appearance ...
Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering
Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering
The cultural "requests" of a tropical plant are simple, but require consistency from the grower. The planting and care of the jasmine shrub (photo) has features, subject to which the plant will delight with abundant flowering, like ...
Planting thuja in open ground and plant care rules
Planting thuja in open ground and plant care rules
Evergreen coniferous crops are very popular due to their high decorativeness and undemandingness. Among such plants are thuja, planting and care in the open field for which even beginners can do it. ...
Everything you need to know about Thuja West Smaragd
Everything you need to know about Thuja West Smaragd
Modern landscape design is a whole science. And even if you have never studied it, you will still be known as an expert if your garden is decorated with the magnificent western thuja Smaragd. It ...
Outdoor planting of sun daffodils
Outdoor planting of sun daffodils
In the gardening world, spring and tender daffodils are incredibly popular, and planting and caring for them in the open field is quite simple. It is interesting that the unpretentious flower is suitable for both growing ...
Planting and caring for garden blackberries
Planting and caring for garden blackberries
The blackberry that migrated to the garden from the forest edge, while remaining a generous and flexible culture, has become even sweeter, larger and more aromatic. However, no matter how unpretentious the blackberry is, planting and ...
Planting in the country in the open ground of brugmansia and the rules of care for its amazing flowering
Planting in the country in the open ground of brugmansia and the rules of care for its amazing flowering
Already at first glance, a plant with large foliage and drooping, bizarrely shaped fragrant bell flowers will fall in love and amaze the imagination. This is brugmansia, planting and care in the open field for ...
Some nuances about growing dill
Some nuances about growing dill
It would seem that it is difficult to grow dill? Spicy herbs often sprout in the garden on their own after the seeds are blown away by the wind. However, when gardeners plant them on ...
Growing asters in the open field from seeds
Growing asters in the open field from seeds
Annual garden and perennial asters are some of the most popular flowers in our gardens. How to properly grow asters from seeds, when to plant seedlings, and is it possible ...
Planting a fruit shrub chokeberry
Planting a fruit shrub chokeberry
Chokeberry or black chokeberry is a well-known plant in many parts of Russia and abroad. An unpretentious shrub is used not only for harvesting useful and ...
Planting a pear seedling in open ground
Planting a pear seedling in open ground
The pear, like all other fruit trees, is grown in nurseries and sold as annual seedlings grafted onto the stock. When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the root system of the tree. ...
Planting currants at their summer cottage
Planting currants at their summer cottage
Black currant takes root very easily, but if it is incorrectly planted in the ground, then the bush will not give large yields. Currants are planted with cuttings or annual seedlings. Biennial or ...
Proper planting and caring for astilba outdoors
Proper planting and caring for astilba outdoors
Astilba is a perennial flowering plant that is actively cultivated by gardeners on their plots. Planting and caring for astilba in the open field is not very difficult, so the culture uses ...
Undemanding heather, planting and plant care
Undemanding heather, planting and plant care
Common heather belongs to the monotypic genus of flowering plants. Heather, planting and caring for which when grown in a garden area is not difficult even for novice plant breeders, is unusually hardy ...
When and how is raspberry planting carried out in the fall
When and how is raspberry planting carried out in the fall
Planting raspberries in the fall among gardeners is considered the best option, which gives good rooting results and a quick onset of fruiting. Since the culture very quickly enters the growing season ...
Take your time to throw roses out of the presented bouquet
Take your time to throw roses out of the presented bouquet
After receiving a bouquet of gorgeous roses for a holiday, many people dream of growing the same flowers in their personal plot. And this is quite possible. The author of the video plot tells in detail how ...
We achieve 100% germination of petunias by correct planting
We achieve 100% germination of petunias by correct planting
Petunia is a perennial herb that is very popular with gardeners and gardeners. It pleases the eye with its large bright flowers, decorates terraces, courtyards and gardens. Combines also ...


