Posts tagged "poultry"

How to determine the gender of a chicken and when to do it
How to determine the gender of a chicken and when to do it
When newborn chickens are born dry, they are almost impossible to distinguish from each other. But how, in this case, to cope with a very important task, how to determine the gender ...
Diseases of chickens and their treatment
Diseases of chickens and their treatment
When raising chickens, the poultry farmer may lose part of the livestock due to illness of the chickens. The first signs of malaise of single individuals should alert. The younger the chick is, the more dangers lie in wait for it. ...
Feeding day old and grown chickens
Feeding day old and grown chickens
The correct keeping and feeding of chickens in the first days of their life determines how strong and healthy they will grow up as a bird. So that the internal organs and the digestive system of chicks ...
How to hatch chicks in an incubator at home
How to hatch chicks in an incubator at home
The incubation period is a crucial time, you need to control the temperature and humidity on a daily basis, as well as air and turn the eggs in a timely manner. Beginners are intimidated by this responsibility, so we present a set of rules describing ...
DIY chick feeder
DIY chick feeder
You can make a do-it-yourself feeder for chickens at home, especially since almost any materials are suitable for its creation: plastic bottles, buckets, PVC pipes, plywood, ...
Selection of automatic incubators for chicken eggs
Selection of automatic incubators for chicken eggs
Raising chicks requires a high temperature and sufficient humidity. The egg turning mechanism should also be taken into account when choosing an incubator. When incubating, the hen regularly turns over all the eggs herself, ...
The composition and features of the selection of compound feed for chickens
The composition and features of the selection of compound feed for chickens
A well-chosen diet for chickens from the first days of life is a guarantee of rapid growth, good health and confident weight gain. That is why a balanced compound feed that meets the needs of poultry ...
Features of the composition of compound feed for quails
Features of the composition of compound feed for quails
When keeping any poultry, good nutrition plays a decisive role, but a doubly optimal diet is needed for medium-sized fast-growing quails. Compound feed for quails is an ideal solution to avoid ...
Compound feed for chickens and broilers
Compound feed for chickens and broilers
Combined feed is a dry, balanced mixture consisting of grains of different cultures, foods with a high content of protein, amino acids and protein, as well as various fats, minerals and vitamins. ...
Features of choice, composition and price of compound feed for laying hens
Features of choice, composition and price of compound feed for laying hens
For some novice poultry farmers, the price of compound feed for laying hens seems too high to use such a product on an ongoing basis. But if they just try to switch to balanced ...
Choosing a thermostat for a home incubator
Choosing a thermostat for a home incubator
Successful incubation of poultry eggs is impossible without stable temperature control. The thermostat for the incubator must ensure accuracy at the level of ± 0.1˚С, with the possibility of changing it in the range from ...
Raising chickens, keeping and feeding at home
Raising chickens, keeping and feeding at home
An increasing number of backyard owners are convinced that keeping chickens for eggs or meat is profitable and not as troublesome as it seems. The most responsible and ...
We make a drinker for chickens with our own hands from scrap materials
We make a drinker for chickens with our own hands from scrap materials
Like any other living creature, poultry needs not only food, warmth and lighting, but also enough clean water. DIY drinking bowl ...
We make a brooder for chickens with our own hands according to the drawings
We make a brooder for chickens with our own hands according to the drawings
Small chicks are extremely susceptible to environmental changes. Fluctuations in temperature, high air humidity, lack of lighting or draft for them are a serious stress and risk of illness. Solving the problem ...
Breeding, care and feeding of broiler chickens
Breeding, care and feeding of broiler chickens
Speaking of broilers, we mean meat-based chickens, characterized by high growth rates, large size and excellent meat suitable for frying. How to organize raising, care and feeding of chickens ...
We lay duck eggs in an incubator at home
We lay duck eggs in an incubator at home
If hens sit on the clutch at different times, then artificial incubation makes it possible to simultaneously hatch a large number of even, strong ducklings. Before laying duck eggs in ...
Laying eggs in an incubator at home
Laying eggs in an incubator at home
Having a home incubator is a real opportunity to get a strong healthy livestock of poultry. However, the quality and quantity of hatched chicks is largely determined by the correct laying of eggs in the incubator ...
The value of the temperature reading in the incubator for incubating chicken eggs
The value of the temperature reading in the incubator for incubating chicken eggs
At the time of the arrival of spring, the owners of household plots want to receive young growth and renew the population of chickens, using a special device for this - an incubator. An important parameter is the temperature in the incubator ...
Learning to raise and care for goslings at home
Learning to raise and care for goslings at home
Growing goslings at home is considered a profitable business. Adult birds are used for two purposes - for meat or for obtaining eggs. Chicks reach maturity in 4-6 ...
How to make an incubator for hatching chicks with your own hands
How to make an incubator for hatching chicks with your own hands
To breed chickens at home, you will either need to buy an industrial apparatus or make an incubator with your own hands. The second option is convenient in that it is possible to assemble the device of the necessary ...
White wide-breasted turkeys in your backyard
White wide-breasted turkeys in your backyard
Wide-breasted white turkeys - growing and caring for this poultry is not only interesting, but also profitable. In order to get excellent dietary meat, you need to correctly ...
The main features of growing at home turkey poults BIG 6
The main features of growing at home turkey poults BIG 6
Turkey meat is a healthy product rich in protein, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements important for the human body. It is highly regarded in the market, but compared to others ...
Growing turkey poults at home is a painstaking and interesting business.
Growing turkey poults at home is a painstaking and interesting business.
It is not for nothing that the farmers call the king's bird turkey poults. Growing them at home has several benefits. Firstly, turkey meat is dietary and extremely tasty, and secondly, itself ...
Complete feeding of turkeys from day one is the key to success
Complete feeding of turkeys from day one is the key to success
Turkeys in Russian households are the largest poultry, valued for their fast growth and excellent quality dietary meat. But for the bird to reach 10-30 in six months ...
Photo and description of turkey breeds
Photo and description of turkey breeds
Domesticated by settlers from the Old World, turkeys have become a kind of symbol of the United States and Canada, but for many centuries large poultry has been grown all over the world. Over the past time ...
Signs of turkey poultry diseases and how to treat them
Signs of turkey poultry diseases and how to treat them
Young poultry always require more attention than mature, mature individuals, and turkeys are no exception. It is important for poultry farmers to know the diseases of turkey poults, their signs and treatment, which ...
At home, you can independently remove turkey poults in an incubator
At home, you can independently remove turkey poults in an incubator
Poultry breeding is possible even on small backyard plots. Unable to maintain an adult herd, the owners of the farmstead use the hatching of turkey poults in an incubator at home. Formation and ...
Features of care and breeding of turkeys at home
Features of care and breeding of turkeys at home
Among the poultry raised in Russian farmsteads, turkeys have no competitors in terms of weight gain and size. Therefore, breeding, keeping turkeys and caring for them at home ...
Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life, you can grow a healthy livestock
Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life, you can grow a healthy livestock
Geese are one of the smartest herding birds. Every poultry breeder must know what to feed the goslings from the first day of his life, so that the gosling is correct ...
Artificially hatching goslings in an incubator at home
Artificially hatching goslings in an incubator at home
Breeding goslings in an incubator at home is considered a profitable and interesting endeavor. A bird-breeder will be able to sell meat and provide a useful product for his family. Highly appreciated ...
Feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks of life
Feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks of life
Domestic geese are hardy and unpretentious birds, however, in order to grow an adult out of a small chick, you will have to adjust to the rhythm of the chicks' life. To keep the livestock healthy, little goslings ...


