Posts tagged "homemade"
How to make a vegetable garden in a bottle on a windowsill?
In our family, everyone, even children, loves different herbs - parsley, spinach, onion feathers. Especially not enough vitamins on the table in winter. So we decided to try ...
Hanging flower beds with your own hands
Recently I was visiting a friend, she is fond of curly flowers. Their entire summer area is hung with hanging flower beds with petunias. When I asked where she got them, my friend ...
Examples of decorating flower beds from bottles
I have stocks of plastic and glass bottles at my dacha. I have long dreamed of making original flower beds out of them, but I can’t define their appearance. Help take ...
An easy way to keep water from freezing in the drinker (no electricity needed)
Freezing water in the drinker is one of the biggest problems when raising chickens during winter. If you have electricity in your chicken coop, then the simplest ...
Step-by-step recommendations on how to make a gravel bed in the country with your own hands
I saw on TV a program showing very beautiful gravel beds. I have an unused plot in my dacha, I want to try to make the same flower bed there. Give, ...
The use of plastic bottles for watering in the garden
I have a dacha with a small vegetable garden. It's just that it is far from the city, so I come there only for the weekend. Since the summer was hot, there is a lot of harvest without regular watering ...
How to make flower beds from large pipes
Recently I was visiting a friend. I was amazed how he grows strawberries - in an upright tube. I also wanted to try it, especially since in my country house ...
Making cells for nutria
Keeping nutria in captivity should provide comfortable living for animals and convenient care for them. When arranging a place of detention - cages for nutria, it is necessary to take into account the lifestyle of the animals. From ...
We use unnecessary wooden pallets for the plot and the country house
Today, you can often see a pile of pallets next to the waste collection boxes. An economical person's heart breaks when he sees such mismanagement! After all, there are many ways to ...
You can make a drinker for chickens yourself
A wet chicken is an unpleasant sight, a wet chicken is dangerous, it can die. A do-it-yourself drinking bowl for chickens is the only option to keep dry bedding in the chicken coop. Drinking bowl will allow, always ...
Making cups for seedlings with our own hands
Next spring I plan to grow a lot of seedlings. A friend told me that you can save on glasses. Tell me how to make cups for seedlings with your own hands? All gardeners know that the dacha ...
Create a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands, drawings to help!
The drill is a multifunctional tool, but in human hands it is difficult to get special drilling accuracy from it. A drilling machine from a drill with your own hands according to the proposed drawings can ...
Pavement mold from China
To create a unique atmosphere for your summer cottage, it is necessary not only to think over the structure of the garden and vegetable garden, you should also think about creating paths. A well thought out track system is capable of ...
How to dry roses
I saw at a friend's house a three-dimensional picture made of dry roses. Very impressed! Since I have a large rose garden, I also wanted to try to do something like that. Tell me how to dry roses ...
How to make a small train from boxes with your own hands
I have long wanted to decorate the flower garden with unusual flower beds, so that it was beautiful and the space for planting flowers was added. After repairs and cleaning, a lot of empty containers remained in the country (wooden ...
Let's make a reliable DIY lawn mower
Every owner dreams of creating an island of family well-being, a beautiful well-groomed plot, using a minimum of manual labor. A do-it-yourself lawn mower is one of the ways to efficiently use nodes from abandoned mechanisms. ...
Manual cultivator for the gardener - an essential tool
What is a hand cultivator? It is a device for domesticating the earth with mechanical devices and the strength of the hands. How varied is the work of caring for the beds and flower beds, so is ...
Self-made bricks for building a house
It's good to have a house outside the city! But what if there is a plot, but there is no money for building materials? So, you need to build from what is! Materials for ...
Screw wood splitter to help the villager
Wood splitter screw, rack and pinion, pneumatic - tools designed for splitting chocks into logs. Rural craftsmen assemble wood splitters from improvised parts, but they are low-power, the designs require improvement. Cleaver with ...
How beautiful to make concrete flower beds with your own hands?
I have long dreamed of diversifying the site in the country, making it more interesting and unusual. I want to decorate it with flowerpots. But buying them is expensive, so I would like to know - ...
Making a wood splitter with your own hands is simple and economical
A do-it-yourself wood splitter is a mechanism designed to facilitate the process of splitting large logs for a stove or fireplace. The attractiveness of the tool is expressed in the fact that anyone can ...
We build a pigsty for 2 heads with our own hands
The rapid growth of pigs, their lack of demand for feed and active weight gain predetermined the popularity of animals among owners of small farms. You can only make a pigsty for 2 heads with your own hands ...
Everyone can build a chicken coop with their own hands in the country
The cult of consumption of natural products without preservatives and dyes is growing every year. Many owners of summer cottages have chickens. Before introducing poultry, you need to build a warm, roomy ...
When the work of the master is just a pipe ...
An economic person will find a talented application for everything. He will even be able to adapt plastic pipes at his dacha so creatively that an experienced designer will envy him. And the gardener will definitely say ...
DIY poultry house construction
Meet, in the photo, a poultry house for chickens, the construction and arrangement of which is available to every owner. A light structure for the summer keeping of chickens at a summer cottage is being built within two hours, ...
Hives for bees: device, varieties, do it yourself
In nature, wild bees are content with life in natural shelters, which most often become crevices and hollows in tree trunks. Life in apiaries is much more comfortable, because here everyone ...
Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens at home
Breeding chickens on a private backyard is an inexpensive and uncomplicated way to provide a family with quality meat and fresh eggs. The largest number of questions for novice poultry farmers arise about how ...
We make cages for quails with our own hands
Increasingly, quail grown on household plots, although they are the smallest variety of poultry, for their residence, the poultry farmer will have to create comfortable living conditions. Build cages ...
We install a greenhouse on the roof or attic of the house
Often the owners of summer cottages are worried about saving territory. Placing a greenhouse on the roof of an outbuilding will be a good solution to this summer cottage problem. Better yet, arrange it straight ...
Step-by-step instructions for making a piglet from a plastic bottle
During the summer months, you can find used plastic containers in every home, which can be an excellent material for original home crafts. One of them - ...
Drinking bowl for bees and how to arrange it
The arrangement of the apiary includes many seemingly insignificant elements. However, the bee drinker is also needed as a feeder. If in summer a natural reservoir located close can help out, in winter and ...
Bee trap: manufacturing and installation locations
The departure of a swarm by beekeepers is perceived as a problematic situation, because on the one hand, this is the result of natural reproduction, and on the other, the risk of losing some part of those living in apiaries ...
DIY chick feeder
You can make a do-it-yourself feeder for chickens at home, especially since almost any materials are suitable for its creation: plastic bottles, buckets, PVC pipes, plywood, ...
Selection of automatic incubators for chicken eggs
Raising chicks requires a high temperature and sufficient humidity. The egg turning mechanism should also be taken into account when choosing an incubator. When incubating, the hen regularly turns over all the eggs herself, ...
How to make a household feed granulator with your own hands and what is the price of a new one
To convert a free-flowing combined mixture into granules, household feed granulators are used, the price of which depends on the engine power. The higher its value, the more pallets are produced per ...
Choosing a thermostat for a home incubator
Successful incubation of poultry eggs is impossible without stable temperature control. The thermostat for the incubator must ensure accuracy at the level of ± 0.1˚С, with the possibility of changing it in the range from ...
We make a drinker for chickens with our own hands from scrap materials
Like any other living creature, poultry needs not only food, warmth and lighting, but also enough clean water. DIY drinking bowl ...
We make a brooder for chickens with our own hands according to the drawings
Small chicks are extremely susceptible to environmental changes. Fluctuations in temperature, high air humidity, lack of lighting or draft for them are a serious stress and risk of illness. Solving the problem ...
How to make an incubator for hatching chicks with your own hands
To breed chickens at home, you will either need to buy an industrial apparatus or make an incubator with your own hands. The second option is convenient in that it is possible to assemble the device of the necessary ...
Do-it-yourself rabbit feeders
Novice rabbit breeders, before breeding eared pets, should take care of the cages and feeders first of all. What are the rabbit feeders that meet the requirements of maximum convenience when absorbing food ...
Do-it-yourself drinking bowls for rabbits from different materials
Every breeder knows that finding good drinking bowls for rabbits is difficult. It is important that pets have constant free access to drink, and that drinkers for rabbits are reliable and convenient, ...
A comfortable DIY rabbit cage
"Dietary and easily digestible meat" of a rabbit leaves no one indifferent, therefore many farmers are engaged in breeding these animals. An indispensable "assistant" in such a matter will be a multifunctional cage for rabbits, which ...
Evergreen tree - palm from plastic bottles
Summer residents who spend the summer on personal plots by the fall are faced with the problem of disposing of plastic containers from all kinds of soft drinks. A plastic bottle palm tree can be an unexpected way to transform ...
Do-it-yourself mosaic in the country is quite a feasible task!
If there is a desire to decorate the walls of the house, fences, steps, paths on the site, garden furniture, then the ability to lay out a mosaic will turn a dream into reality. This is especially true for those who ...
We use plastic bottles with benefit
Today, the problem of waste disposal on our planet is especially acute. After all, some waste does not decompose for centuries. And in order not to litter the land as a whole and your own plot ...
Diy grape trellis
To harvest a good harvest of grapes, the plants are monitored, bushes are formed. Trellis for grapes are installed for support and proper growth of the plant. Products are purchased or made by hand from ...
Furniture for summer cottages made of car tires (video)
Every summer resident dreams of making his home original. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. But there is one, the most unusual, method to give the dacha uniqueness and originality - to make furniture from ...
Carbonated water at home (video)
During summer cottage work, the body needs to replenish its fluid supply, especially if the day is very hot. Surely you want to use not plain water, but carbonated water. You can buy soda in the store, ...
Rope from a plastic bottle (video)
For summer cottage purposes, a certain amount of rope is often needed. There are situations when the rope suddenly ends, or is completely absent. Do not postpone the planned event, because there is a way to create ...
How to pour a new breath of life into old, unnecessary things? (video)
Surely in the country there are many old things that are not suitable for further use as intended. You do not need to rush to throw them away. Every thing can get a chance for a second ...
How to make a Tandoor with your own hands (video)
Food cooked in Tandoor is much tastier than on a regular grill. Everyone who has tried it at least once can confirm this. Many people dream of building such a stove in themselves on ...
Install a ceramic Tandoor oven in the country
Fans of absolute exoticism and everyone who wants to experience the indescribable sensations of cooking in the country is offered a ceramic oven called Tandoor. This is an absolutely original and unique device for ...
Original homemade frying pan for a summer residence (video)
Many summer residents organize their leisure time not only near the house. When everything turns green around, and even a river flows, I want to leave the vicinity of the village closer to the wild. ...
Workshop on making a peony stand
Peonies are very beautiful bright flowers. They are grown on their backyard plots by many summer residents and flower growers. They do not require special care, bloom in spring with beautiful, large flowers. The only one ...
Diamond wheel from a grinder in gardening (video)
An old diamond wheel from a grinder can be a useful tool for easily making holes for planting horticultural crops. For owners who have a mixer for mixing construction ...
Original ideas for a summer residence and a garden with your own hands
Regardless of the area occupied by the summer cottage, you always want to refine it.It can be either an expensive landscape design or ideas for a summer residence with your own hands, embodied ...
DIY homemade products for giving - popular solutions and creative ideas
The improvement of the summer house will not be a problem and an expensive investment if you show a little ingenuity. It is not difficult to create homemade products with your own hands - it will take time, simple tools and devices. You can use the leftovers ...
DIY crafts for giving
For many, a dacha is not just a place of rest, but also an attempt to express the creative potential of their personality. Wanting to decorate their sites or make them as comfortable as possible, many ...
Using plastic bottles to create garden furniture (video)
Old plastic bottles can be used to create original, lightweight garden furniture that will last a long time. The originality of such furniture will delight guests. Using a simple technology of cutting, fastening ...
A decorative swan from a tire is simple (video)
In the country, you cannot do without landscape design. Many summer residents use a lot of ideas to create a unique landscape design for the courtyard of their summer cottage. One of the design elements ...
How to create a flower bed from worn out car tires (video)
Useless, at first glance, used car tires can be useful for creating flower beds for growing seedlings of flowers and vegetables in a summer cottage. Combination of trimmed tires ...
Unusual ideas for ordinary flower beds (video)
Very rarely there are cases when there is no flower arrangement, ornamental, climbing plants in the country. Compositions of different types of flowers are usually combined in specially selected places - flower beds. ...
Amazing DIY crafts for the garden and garden
To harvest a good harvest in your garden or garden, you do not need the best tools and fertilizers, but enthusiasm, golden hands and pleasure from work. And it's doubly ...
How to make a wooden flower bed with your own hands?
Hand-made wooden flower beds are a great way to transform the territory, make it more well-groomed and comfortable. Wooden flower beds help to organize the space and visually divide it ...
How to make flower beds from plastic bottles in the country?
Having decided to decorate the backyard territory, pay attention to the flower beds made of plastic bottles at the neighbors' dacha. This is the cheapest landscape design option. If there is a large number of plastic ...
How to make vertical flower beds with your own hands?
The phrase "vertical flower bed" sounds somewhat unusual. But if you understand the peculiarities of this word, which is gaining popularity, then, undoubtedly, new horizons of landscaping their own estates will open up for each gardener, because ...
Interesting DIY homemade products for the garden
With the arrival of spring, many thousands of our compatriots go to their summer cottages to open the spring field work season. At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that ...
We decorate our dacha and garden with handmade decorative figures
Over the span of several years, people began to view their plots not as for planting crops, but as a space for fulfilling their fantasies. The desire to create barbecues in the garden area, ...