Posts tagged "grapes"

Growing and caring for grapes on a personal plot
Growing and caring for grapes on a personal plot
Grapes grown over millennia have undergone major changes over the past couple of centuries. Many new varieties have appeared, which regularly yield crops even in those regions where they had not heard before ...
Rules for growing grapes in the middle lane for beginners
Rules for growing grapes in the middle lane for beginners
In the summer cottages of gardeners in the middle lane, unpretentious frost-resistant varieties are often found. These include, for example, "Lydia" or "Isabella". But, unfortunately, they differ in small berries and ...
Early grape varieties
Early grape varieties
The first berries of the new harvest appear on the grapes at the end of July or in August. In varieties and hybrids showing such early ripening periods, the accumulation of sugars and the appearance of ...
Good vine care is a guarantee of a rich harvest
Good vine care is a guarantee of a rich harvest
In order to get large bunches of tasty grapes in the fall, systematic care, feeding and protection of the plant from pests should be carried out during the development of the bush. With cultivation experience ...
Planting and caring for grapes on a personal plot
Planting and caring for grapes on a personal plot
Planting grapes is an activity that requires careful preparation. In accordance with the peculiarities of the viticulture zone, it is necessary to choose the planting time, place and ensure the future harvest by choosing a zoned variety. After completing ...
How to take care of summer grapes to get a good harvest?
How to take care of summer grapes to get a good harvest?
In summer, grapes bloom, bunches are laid and ripen, as well as shoots and dormant buds, which will be harvested next year. High temperatures and plenty of sunshine ...
How to care for grapes from spring to autumn
How to care for grapes from spring to autumn
Grapes are a crop that requires constant attention from the gardener. If you leave the plant without simple, but mandatory care measures for the whole season, the bushes grow uncontrollably, the shoots begin ...
We carry out green pruning of grapes in the summer
We carry out green pruning of grapes in the summer
In regions of traditional viticulture, such as Spain or the south of France, the vine is pruned only in spring and autumn. At the same time, shoot removal is aimed at ...
We study grape diseases by photo and description
We study grape diseases by photo and description
White, pink. people use black grape varieties for different purposes. In summer cottages, grapes are mainly grown for fresh consumption, making juices and aromatic homemade ...
Features of planting and caring for grapes in the Moscow region
Features of planting and caring for grapes in the Moscow region
"Astronauts and dreamers assert that apple trees will bloom on Mars," the words of the famous song are confirmed by enthusiasts. Gardeners and scientists of the Moscow Region consider planting and caring for grapes as promising ...
Wood ash - as a kind of vineyard fertilizer (video)
Wood ash - as a kind of vineyard fertilizer (video)
One of the quality types of fertilizer for the vineyard is wood ash. This fertilizer is one of the most affordable. You can cook it at home, adhering to a certain recipe. Wood ash ...
How to prepare grapes for winter (pruning and shelter) - video
How to prepare grapes for winter (pruning and shelter) - video
In the harsh Russian climate, sheltering and pruning grapes is the most important stage in its competent preparation for wintering. The ability of grapes to withstand winter depends on many factors, and also ...


