Posts tagged "pests"

Pest control on raspberries
Pest control on raspberries
Raspberries are one of the tastiest and sweetest berries in the country, which is loved not only by gardeners, but also by pests. Raspberries must be constantly and carefully looked after. ...
The main causes of stromantal diseases
The main causes of stromantal diseases
A visitor to the tropical forests is a capricious plant. As a result of improper care, various stromant diseases arise, which, first of all, are reflected on the leaves. It is important to notice in time a change in their external ...
How to deal with raccoons on the site
How to deal with raccoons on the site
In raccoons, the color of the muzzle under the eyes looks like a thief's mask, which fully reflects their habits. These resourceful animals are the second most persistent and resourceful, apart from squirrels, ...
To preserve the harvest of cherries, we learn to protect them from birds
To preserve the harvest of cherries, we learn to protect them from birds
The cherry berries ripening in the garden are eagerly watched not only by people, but also by feathered gourmets. How to protect cherries from birds, protect crops and tree health on ...
How to repel mosquitoes and treat insect bites
How to repel mosquitoes and treat insect bites
The arrival of summer is approaching, and with it the time to fight various insects in the garden, vegetable garden and in the house. We want to share home remedies with which ...
Photos with descriptions will help in the fight against pests of plums
Photos with descriptions will help in the fight against pests of plums
Fruit trees, including plums, attract the attention of a wide variety of insects. Descriptions of what plum pests look like and the fight against them, photos of possible enemies and a schedule of necessary measures will help ...
How to deal with the dangerous pest of plum aphids
How to deal with the dangerous pest of plum aphids
The first mass appearance of pests in the garden is observed in late spring and in the first half of summer. What is the danger of aphids on a drain, how to deal with these insects without exposing ...
Pests of pears on leaves and control measures
Pests of pears on leaves and control measures
Productivity, fruit taste and size are directly dependent on healthy leaves. Regardless, fungal, bacterial or insect pests of pears on the leaves - it is necessary to eradicate the infection. Usually prophylactic ...
What are the signs of identifying pear diseases
What are the signs of identifying pear diseases
Planting fruit trees at their summer cottage, gardeners understand that they are at risk of various infections. Unforeseen diseases of pears often lead not only to the death of a culture, but also affect neighboring ...
Aphids rage on a pear - how to treat it?
Aphids rage on a pear - how to treat it?
Among the thousands of species of aphids in the world, several species have chosen the pear, causing significant damage to the tree. Aphids on a pear - how to process? Is a frequently asked question. But you need: what ...
How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in spring?
How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in spring?
In the fall, they planted a young garden, raspberries, currants and gooseberries at their summer cottage. Tell me how to treat fruit trees and shrubs in spring in order to protect them from diseases and pests? To each ...
Begonia diseases, their treatment
Begonia diseases, their treatment
I have a small collection of begonias of different varieties. I look after him well, but recently I began to notice dried leaves on the bushes. Tell me what kind of diseases begonias have ...
Bird & Insect Net Made in China
Bird & Insect Net Made in China
Searching for a specific variety, waiting for seeds to germinate and transplanting plants into open ground - vegetables and fruits grown with your own hands always become a subject of special pride. For this reason ...
How to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies?
How to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies?
In the spring, a strange phenomenon appeared in the garden - mounds of earth.First a few, and then more and more. As a result, after a while, the garden turned into some kind of minefield ...
Mole repeller made in China
Mole repeller made in China
As soon as the last snow disappears in the summer cottages, traces of uninvited guests become visible on the surface. Moles, mice and shrews not only leave holes, equipping their burrows, but ...
What if the onion in the garden turns yellow and does not grow?
What if the onion in the garden turns yellow and does not grow?
Everyone in my family loves onions - both green feathers and the onion itself. I always collected a good harvest, but this year the onions turned yellow and practically did not ...
Photo describing cherry pests and methods of dealing with them
Photo describing cherry pests and methods of dealing with them
Cherry trees attract not only people who regret eating ripe fruits, but also insects. What are cherry pests and control? Photos and descriptions will help you better study your enemies ...
How to get rid of pesky aphids on cherries?
How to get rid of pesky aphids on cherries?
Unlike caterpillars, aphids do not eat foliage, do not damage fruits, like a weevil, but massive accumulations of tiny insects can ruin an entire garden. What to do if aphids start up ...
Cherry diseases and the fight against them: photo and description
Cherry diseases and the fight against them: photo and description
In recent decades, due to the spread of diseases of stone fruit crops, gardeners have faced a sharp drop in yields and even the need to cut down recently lush plantings. It is not surprising that among the burning topics ...
We use effective folk remedies in the fight against pests in the garden
We use effective folk remedies in the fight against pests in the garden
Almost every year, some pests attack our garden. And I don't want to poison them with chemistry - the poison is absorbed into the soil, and then absorbed by the plants themselves. After all, the ancestors somehow ...
Methods for combating diseases and pests of petunias
Methods for combating diseases and pests of petunias
Several times I tried to breed petunias on the loggias, but they constantly died for various reasons. Please write about petunia diseases and pests and control. I'd like to ...
We will win the slugs in the country - we will save our harvest!
We will win the slugs in the country - we will save our harvest!
Slugs and snails are a real disaster for the garden and garden. They live wherever there is high humidity, heat and power sources. And these mollusks give preference to juicy ...
Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
Do you have insect repellent plants growing in your country house?
It is no secret that some insects cause people a lot of inconvenience. Some pose a threat to the future harvest, while others interfere with a person's full rest by annoying buzzing and even biting. What ...
Do-it-yourself fishing belts for fruit trees are a snap.
Do-it-yourself fishing belts for fruit trees are a snap.
Starting from the first warm days, a lot of insects become active at the summer cottage, which carry a serious threat to the health of plantings and the future harvest. Do-it-yourself will help protect the garden from pests ...
Help get rid of the wireworm
Help get rid of the wireworm
We had a good harvest of potatoes this year, but then we were upset to see that most of the tubers were spoiled by wireworms. Dear summer residents! Advise how to get this attack from the site, what ...
Ways to combat whitefly in the garden, greenhouse
Ways to combat whitefly in the garden, greenhouse
Summer residents, how to get rid of a whitefly? Unfortunately, they missed the moment of the appearance of insects, the pests have already managed to lay eggs on most of the plants, leaves in a white bloom. Has suffered the most ...
How to get rid of scale insects on lemon and other plant enemies
How to get rid of scale insects on lemon and other plant enemies
Until recently, a healthy lemon tree weakens and grows worse, the leaves on young shoots become smaller. With such symptoms, it is time for the owner of the plant to think that the reason is the scale insect on the lemon, ...
Photo of asplenium diseases and plant care
Photo of asplenium diseases and plant care
The extensive Konstantsov family includes many species of ferns with a common name - Aspleniums. Growing in both the tropical zone and the temperate climate of Europe and Asia, these plants ...
Do you have a sick room maidenhair? We know how to help
Do you have a sick room maidenhair? We know how to help
House flowers require special care.They silently ask for help, signaling discomfort with a droopy appearance, gray bloom, drying leaves. The florist's task is to understand in time what the indoor maidenhair is sick with or ...
Dill pests and the fight against them
Dill pests and the fight against them
There are no insects that feed exclusively on dill. But many pests damage his crops along with other vegetables. Wireworms and false wireworms, the larvae of the beetle, bear and caterpillars of the gnawing scoop damage ...
Tips on how to get rid of aphids on dill
Tips on how to get rid of aphids on dill
Several species of aphids parasitize on dill at once, giving from 12 to 18 generations per season and causing serious harm to green culture. Ants using and settling these insects ...
Beet pests and control
Beet pests and control
Caring for garden crops includes pest control measures. In cramped conditions, even crop rotation does not save. So, pests of cruciferous plants simultaneously harm haze. Developed on fruit bushes ...
Photos of diseases and pests of peas, control measures
Photos of diseases and pests of peas, control measures
If the plant is weakened, the requirements of agricultural technology are not followed, the balance of nutrition and temperature is disturbed, pests will appear. In order for the garden not to suffer from the invasion of uninvited guests, one should observe ...
Photo, description and means of grape pest control
Photo, description and means of grape pest control
The vineyard attracts the attention of dozens of pests. Around the world there are about 800 species of insects that can harm the crop of this crop. Moreover, not only berries suffer, but also ...
You need to know why the apple tree drops apples in order to understand what to do
You need to know why the apple tree drops apples in order to understand what to do
The abundant flowering of the apple tree in spring, the healthy appearance of the tree promised a generous harvest of everyone's favorite fragrant fruits. But the apple blossom falls, covering the ground with a veil, and later quietly and modestly began to ...
Effective folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes
Effective folk remedies for the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes
The Colorado potato beetle is one of the most vicious opponents of every gardener. Vegetable growers treat potato tubers and plants with various chemicals several times throughout the growing season, but ...
Potato pests and control
Potato pests and control
Pests annually cause serious damage both to summer cottage plantations of potatoes and to the fields of farms. As a result of such damage, not only the aerial parts of plants and their roots suffer, but ...
Prestige for potato processing
"Prestige" for potato processing
Working in the garden is hard physical labor. Sometimes you wonder how people have enough endurance and desire to carefully monitor seedlings and seedlings under the steaming sun. After all, it is necessary ...
How to get rid of a wireworm?
How to get rid of a wireworm?
The main enemy of potato plantings is traditionally the Colorado potato beetle. But if the damage from this pest of potatoes and its larvae on the tops is noticeable with the naked eye, then the losses from stay ...
How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?
How to poison the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes?
Fragrant fried potatoes with a crispy brown crust, boiled delicate mashed potatoes, casseroles and pancakes - all this causes not only profuse salivation, but also pleasant emotions. ...
Carrot pests
Carrot pests
A delicious vitamin vegetable is liked not only by humans. Carrots love various insects and other animals. By feeding on plant sap, they harm the fruit. To be able to preserve the harvest, you need ...
All about potato diseases
All about potato diseases
Growing crops requires proper care for the future harvest. Potato diseases can cause serious damage if the necessary measures are not taken in time. What diseases do farmers face and ...
Cabbage pests and methods of dealing with them
Cabbage pests and methods of dealing with them
Cultivated in almost all household plots, cabbage is the most common and popular vegetable along with potatoes.There are a large number of varieties and types of cabbage, but they are all prone to ...
Cabbage whitewash is a crop pest
Cabbage whitewash is a crop pest
This harmful insect does a lot of harm by destroying cabbage. It occurs very often, but not everyone knows how to get rid of it. In this article, we will take a closer look ...
Cabbage scoop and methods of dealing with it
Cabbage scoop and methods of dealing with it
Pests sometimes interfere with growing a healthy crop in the garden. Sometimes they can completely destroy vegetable crops. To prevent such cases from arising, you need to know some rules for dealing with malware ...
Cabbage moth - measures to combat it
Cabbage moth - measures to combat it
Summer in the country is associated not only with delicious berries, fruits and vegetables, but also with the struggle for a good harvest. If growing an early variety of cabbage is not too difficult ...
Every gardener can prepare Bordeaux liquid independently
Every gardener can prepare Bordeaux liquid independently
To protect fruit and berry and flower plants from fungal diseases, gardeners often use Bordeaux liquid (fungicide). There is a 1% and 3% solution of this product. The first is used when processing blossoming ...
Gooseberry diseases and their treatment
Gooseberry diseases and their treatment
Like other plants, gooseberries can be affected by insect pests. There are also various gooseberry diseases. It is very important to react in time to any of their manifestations and prevent negative impacts on ...
Aphids on roses - how to get rid of quickly?
Aphids on roses - how to get rid of quickly?
The first appearance of aphids on roses coincides with the period of appearance of stepchildren on tomatoes and arrows on garlic. Therefore, both of these vegetables are excellent raw materials for preparing a remedy for ...
Useful insects of the garden and garden - the natural salvation of your site
Useful insects of the garden and garden - the natural salvation of your site
Many gardeners and gardeners have a problem with pest control. The poison that helps to exterminate them needs to be changed almost every year, since the old ones no longer work. Wherein ...
Fighting the bear in the garden is one of the mandatory stages of growing healthy plants
Fighting the bear in the garden is one of the mandatory stages of growing healthy plants
Many gardeners, having planted seedlings in the ground, at first relax. They think that the main job is done, now they just need to water and weed the beds on time. It would seem that the plants are already ...
We study the main plant diseases to prevent their spread
We study the main plant diseases to prevent their spread
Late blight One of the most common plant diseases is late blight. It usually affects vegetable crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. There are cases of late blight infection of even flowers, ...
We use folk remedies to fight the bear
We use folk remedies to fight the bear
Medvedka builds original nests, in which it lays dozens of eggs. The use of pesticides on the site in the fight against the bear is ineffective. It is not difficult to find the moves of the bear. They are where the gnawed falls ...
Avoid the use of chemicals in your garden and vegetable garden
Avoid the use of chemicals in your garden and vegetable garden
Every gardener in his area wants to have healthy fruits, berries, vegetables and less wants to use pesticides. Plants, animals, insects themselves will be your helpers in this. When landing ...
Preparing the next harvest - fighting the wireworm
Preparing the next harvest - fighting the wireworm
Wireworms are yellowish to the touch, very tough worms up to 3 centimeters long, which cause great harm to our crops. Most of all, potato crops are susceptible to this pest. Himself by ...


