Posts tagged "stubs"
We do our own freezing of eggplants for the winter
Unlike other vegetables, eggplants, after freezing, change their structure and taste beyond recognition. Therefore, there are special tricks for freezing eggplants for the winter at home. Indian alien ...
Photos, cultivation and methods of harvesting lemon mint
Melissa, among other varieties of mint, stands out with citrus notes in the scent and belongs to the labiate family. In Europe, where the plant has long been cultivated as a spicy-flavoring culture, lemon balm is called lemon ...
How to prepare mint for the winter
Cultural and wild species of mint are actively used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine. This fragrant plant, rich in essential oils and has long been famous for its healing properties, today you can ...
Several ways to freeze peas for the winter
For a long time mankind loves green peas, both raw and cooked, combining them with many dishes. Alas, this gorgeous vegetable has a seasonal character and ...
Popular tips: how to prepare peas for the winter
Peas are one of the most demanded and widespread leguminous plants not only in our country, but all over the world. This is facilitated by unpretentiousness, early maturity and crop yield, ...
Proven and original recipes for preparing dill for the winter
Dill greens, which appeared on the European territory of Russia in the 10th century, over the past centuries has become one of the favorite spices. Carved fragrant foliage of the umbrella plant is irreplaceable in salads ...
Methods for preparing dill for the winter
At the end of summer, when most of the crop has already been harvested and stored, spicy dill remains in the beds. With a little effort, and these fragrant greens can be ...
Is it possible and how to keep radishes fresh for the winter
The day before Christmas, the Mexican state of Oaxaca celebrates Noche de Rábanos, which translates as Night of the Radish. A lot of participants from all over the area gather in the square and present ...